Country factsheets

United States of America

United States of America

Download data
28 June 2022

Date of search

28 June 2022

Certificate adoption

No conclusive answers yet, federally being considered with variation in states – range of states have banned its use presenting the bans as measures to protect individual privacy and vaccination choice. (including Georgia, Alabama, Arizona and Florida) and some like New York states Excelsior Pass have implemented their own for access to events and performances (

Please read the following link for the current certification implementation.

Instrument type

Vaccination based

Certificate details

All forms of proof of COVID-19 vaccination must have 

  • Personal identifiers (full name plus at least one other identifier such as date of birth or passport number) that match the personal identifiers on the traveller’s passport or other travel documents
  • Name of official source issuing the record (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized vaccine provider)
  • Vaccine manufacturer and date(s) of vaccination

Certificate format

  • Verifiable records (digital or paper)

Vaccination certificate with QR code, digital pass via Smartphone application with QR code (e.g., United Kingdom National Health Service COVID Pass, European Union Digital COVID Certificate)

  • Non-verifiable paper records

Printout of COVID-19 vaccination record or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued at national or subnational level or by an authorised vaccine provider (e.g., the CDC vaccination card)

  • Non-verifiable digital records

Digital photos of vaccination card or record, downloaded vaccine record or vaccination certificate from official source (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized vaccine provider), or a mobile phone application without QR code

Entry protocol

For vaccinated travellers

  • Non-US citizens are required to show the proof of vaccination before entering US. Proof of vaccination may be in verifiable (digital or paper) records, non-verifiable paper records, or non-verifiable digital records (photo).

For unvaccinated travellers

Vaccine authorised to be used in the country

Vaccines approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and drug Administration

  • Single dose for Janssen/J&J
  • 2- doses series for
    • Pfizer- BioNTech
    • Moderna

Vaccine accepted for inbound travellers

  • Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech)
  • Spikevax (Moderna)
  • Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
  • Covaxin
  • Covishield
  • BIBP/Sinopharm
  • CoronaVac (Sinovac)
  • Nuvaxovid (Novavax)
  • Covovax
  • Janssen/J&J
  • Convidecia (CanSinoBIO)
  • Medicago

Travellers are considered completely vaccinated if they get their second dose after 2 weeks. At least, combination vaccination is acceptable if received at least 17 days apart and after 2 weeks from the second dose.

Border status
